Lesson 1 -Introduction to Nidra Yoga

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Introduction to Nidra Yoga

Lesson 1

Yoga Nidra, or Yoga of Sleep, has been well known for the last 1000 years. This Yoga was used by rishis and sages to bring deep meditation, where they used Pranayama or right breathing, mantras, visualizations, mudras and some asanas. Yoga Nidra provides full relaxation, where the person is not fully asleep, but instead he/she is fully balanced and harmonized.

As well, Nidra Yoga is used to heal your mind, body and emotions. It is beneficial for Rejuvenation, and through Nidra Yoga, you can work on specific diseases and imbalances such as insomnia. It helps your heart chakra, improves your blood circulation and reduces stress in your life.

Yoga Nidra will mainly change your approach to stress that is present in your life. It helps you to understand that everything what is happening in your life is only your own visualization and perception of your own picture.

Well known Guru and Philosopher, Patanjali, brought Nidra Yoga to the Western World.

Our three Doshas and interrelationship between them.

Each person is unique, Which is why the approach should always Be individual and unique.

  • Vata – main elements are ether and air.
  • Pitta – main elements are fire and water.
  • Kapha – main elements are water and earth.


Gunas or your emotions:

  • Sattva-balance, harmony, clarity.
  • Rajas-disturbance, agitation, ego, control, motivation.
  • Tamas-stability, darkness, stagnation, laziness.



5 Goals in your life:

  • Dharma is destiny in your life. It is about what you came here to do in this particular reincarnation. The Dharma could be being a good mom, dad, your profession and your interests in your life.
  • Artha represents our earnings, both material and spiritual.
  • Kama represents enjoyment at the spiritual level and material level.
  • Moksha (also called nirvana) represents our spiritual freedom.
  • Arogya represents our health, including physical, emotional and mental health.


What is Atma?  Atma is our soul, which is immortal and harmonic.

What is Ananda? Ananda is your bliss or happiness, which we are trying to reach through Nidra Yoga.