Lesson 1 – What is Mantra?

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Mantra for Beginners

What is Mantra?

Mantra are sacred sounds, they are the melody of the planets which are translated into Sanskrit language, which is the language of Gods.
Also the word Mantra is composed of two words, “Man”, coming from the word Manas, or intellect, and “Tra” which is a tool, so it is a tool for the mind.

Mantras came into existence a long time ago, approximately 40,000 years ago. Our most sacred book Rigveda, is bringing us a deep knowledge of Mantra Therapy. Also in this book not only do we have knowledge of mantra therapy, it also explains how they affect us in our daily life, for which mantra is dedicated to (which Deity, etc.).

Mantras are divided into “Bija Mantras” or “Seed Mantras”. They are short mantras, sometimes composed of one-syllable or more. These mantras have a root from which many Sanskrit words came from.

We will also study “Purusha Mantras” which we will use to balance our seven chakras to improve our physical health. They balance the energy of the whole body and develop our Kundalini energy.
It is important to understand our Gods, which mantras to chant, and when. How to attract the energy of certain Gods, Goddesses and Avatars, and how to look for protection and balance. Through mantras we also show our respect to Deities.

We need to use mantras that are helpful in Ayurveda, which is a medical part Vedic Science, so we use mantras in many Vedic fields such as Vedic Astrology, Vastu Shastra and Yoga. All which are helpful to balance the energy of our body, mind, emotions and dwellings.

In the beginning, we need to understand the energy of the word as each word that we will pronounce has a powerful energy. Our words that we use on a daily basis are somehow our mantras as well. Sounds are influencing our emotional, physical and intellectual body. Also the intonation that we use when we talk is our important speech tool.

Mantra therapy teaches people how to change the energy of words. Mantras are bringing us cleansing energy, transformation, and they can calm us and/or motivate us. Knowledge comes from mantra too as we can ask to attract some situations in our life and they are great tools to defend us in difficult situations.

We need to understand that we have to use Asanas, Pranayama and Mudras, Ayurvedic diet, massages, acupressure, acupuncture, herbs, etc. If we use mantra therapy only, and we do not use other tools to feel better, it will probably not be enough. Mantra needs to be practiced on a daily basis in order to work. The time, motivation and our intention would only benefit us in our Mantric path. Even if the person is not pronouncing mantras in the right way, they are still sacred sounds that heal. If the person is not understanding the meaning of mantra, it is not such a problem. What counts is our intention. Many times, the person has an academic knowledge but lacking the intention and humility which is so important for mantras to work. We need to listen ourselves, chant mantras on a daily basis as each mantra becomes a sacred sound which helps us on a daily basis.

It is important to understand that the Cosmos exists not only around us, but inside us. We need to work on developing our “Ojas”, which is our essential energy, which mantras can help us to do. Mantras helps us to understand our past reincarnations and solve them. Wisdom that we bring from one life to another, benefits through mantras. Because mantras are primordial sounds, and they appeared long ago when nothing existed in this amazing World, they are the most ancient and powerful sound of Universe.
When we start working with mantras, we aim to live in harmony with our interior and exterior Cosmic energy. We are bringing balance, we learn how to hear ourselves better and we understand others better as well.

The most important goal is to bring all this energy to our interior Cosmos- OM BRAHMA NAME NAME OM.