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Careers in Ayurveda

Are you looking for a career in Ayurveda? Look no further. Check out out AAPNA approved career paths.

1 on 1 Consultations

We offer 1 on 1 paid consultations over Skype in Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology and Vastu Shastra.

Study Day and Night

If you want to access 24 hour learning, check out some of our online courses. 

What our Students and Customers have to say…..

I have embarked on this exciting journey of learning Ayurveda with Riorita a year ago, and it was wonderful educational experience.
Riorita has genuine talent in teaching even complex topics in the most accessible way.
She freely and generously shares her broad knowledge of various specialties of Ayurveda with her students, which makes this program so unique and valuable.


Riorita is a great and deep teacher, and the extensive theoretical and practical knowledge of Ayurveda she gives me, helped me improve my health significantly.


I’ve known Riorita for more than ten years and have taken multiple courses such as Western and Ayurvedic Herbology, Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda Career through Blue Lotus Academy. The information that Riorita teaches is invaluable as for practitioners as well as for people who are just starting their journey with Vedic culture and Ayurveda. I’ve also received an Ayurvedic consultation from Riorita, which helped me to understand myself better, to change my lifestyle, including my eating habits for better wellbeing.
I also had my Natal Astrological map done by Riorita, as well as yearly Muhutras, which provide me with guidance in daily life.

I am very happy to be part of the likeminded Blue Lotus community.
I would recommend Riorita to anyone who is looking to improve their quality of life and improve their body and mind health state.


I loved the whole course. It offered a tremendous amount of information and I feel I gained a solid base of understanding of the concepts of Ayurveda. Riorita was very confident and knowledgeable. I recommend this course for everyone who would like to know about ayurveda,  looking for better health for themselves and their families. Furthermore, this course world will be a great start for those who are planning to become ayurvedic practitioners and establish their own business. 
